Skeds, Nets and Frequencies
Saturday 0800 LT 3565 kHz CW- Bulletin *
Sunday 0800 LT 3625 kHz SSB-Bulletin *
Tuesday 1830 LT 3565 kHz CW-Straight-Key-Net
Wednesday 1800 LT 3624 kHz SSB-Chat-Net **
Thursday 1830 LT 3565 kHz CW-Net
* The callsign DLØMF is operated by different TMs (Traffic Masters)
** The callsign DLØMF and MF Club Stations are operated by different
NCS (Net Control Stations)
CW – Frequencies: 3565, 7025, 14052, 18095, 21052, 28052 kHz
SSB – Frequencies: 3625, 7060, 14335, ———– 21360, 28320 kHz
last update 09/2021