

MF Plaque Class 3 till 1 (shortwave only)


The design is an engraved brass-plate with anchor and lightning symbol on a wooden plate. The callsign is engraved. If all contacts are made in CW, an additional engraving is included, if required.

Plaque Class 3            50 points
Plaque Class 2            100 points
Plaque Class 1            150 points

MF-Trophy  (shortwave only)

Brass shipsbell and support with callsign engraved.

Trophy                                  250 points, requires 20% of QSO’s in CW

MF-Supertrophy (shortwave only)


Quartz controlled ships clock made of brass on a wooden plate. The callsign will be engraved on a brass plate.

Super-Trophy                        250 points, CW only

For all QSOs and SWL reports:
All contacts on HF frequencies (160-10m) must be worked in either CW* or SSB exclusively.
Contacts on VHF/UHF/SHF bands (above 50 MHz) are equally.
For contacts with MF members 2 points in CW* and 1 point in SSB count only once for each member. MF member stations outside Europe count 6 points in CW* and 3 points in SSB. For all above mentioned awards (MF Plaque, MF Trophy and MF Supertrophy) a QSO with the club station DLØMF is obligatory.

MF club stations contacts count as follows:
DLØMF 10 points in CW* and 5 points in SSB; all other German MF clubstations are good for 6 points in CW* and 3 points in SSB.
Exception DAØUBOOT. A QSO with this special station count for all MF awards and in all modes 25 points.
Contacts with MF members or with MF club stations count in both modes (CW* and SSB) for an award, e.g. the same station may be enlistet in the application for three modes.

Non-German MF club stations count, for the time period before 01.01.2001, 2 points in CW* and 1 points in SSB, but after 01.01.2001  6 points in CW* and 3 points in SSB. These non-German MF club stations are credited before 01.01.2001 as well as additionally after 01.01.2001.

*  Backdated to 01.01.2008 additionally counts the same score like for a CW-QSO for a QSO
   in digital modes, except of Packet Radio. This does however not apply to the Supertrophy.

Backdated to 01.01.2009 all contacts of MF members working from home, from an europeen country or as well as from overseas counts can be assessed many times separataly with appropriate score.

All regulations apply for SWLs as well. Confirmed SWL reports are equal to QSOs.

The verified points for the MF plaque class 3 (50 points) are counting for class 2 (100 points) as well. Likewise it is handled for applying class 1 (150 points) as well as for the Trophies.

When applying for an award of higher grades, a contact shall not be enlisted which was already scored in a previous application, except it was made in a different mode.

Sticker for MF-Trophy und Supertrophy

The steadily increasing number of MF members and the growing interest in our naval net at home and abroad gave evidence, that many HAMs were able to work more points than required for the Trophy and Supertrophy.
Therefore MF-RUNDE decided crediting those HAMs for their activities. Stickers were spon-sored for raising the Trophy and Supertrophy up to 300, 350, 400, 450 and 500 points and more. The stickers are fixed on a wooden plate.

New award holders are being noticed in the weekly MF bulletins and in “MF QTC”.


Anchor and lightning symbol with laurel tendril on a wooden plate. The callsign is engraved. If all contacts are made in CW, an additional engraving on a small plate is included, if required.

All contacts on all frequencies above 50 MHz with members of MF-RUNDE and their club stations since 01. January 1987 are credited.


Plaque class 3    10 points

Plaque class 2    25 points
Plaque class 1    50 points

Scoring contact
Each contact counts 1 point. Each contact counts only once even if worked in a different mode (FM,SSB,CW). Already credited points for the Plaque in class 3 count for the application for class 2 as well as in class 1. Contacts enlisted in former applications shall not be included in a new one again.
For application procedures see section “MF Plaques, MF Trophy and MF Supertrophy” as mentioned before.

This award builds a bridge for radio amateurs between South America and Europe. Furthermore it shows the old shipping route of this vessel. To achieve this award you shall work stations in all the countries being called by this vessel on its regular route. These contacts must be made in CW, SSB, FM, which were the former communication modes of this ship. Simultaneously, a contact with the radio amateur station DLØMFH, is the connection to the MF-RUNDE.

The award is a 26x19cm four colour certificate, printed on original marine chart paper. On the front page is a picture of the MV “Cap San Diego” together with the logos of the Hamburg Admirality and MF-RUNDE, furthermore it includes the Atlantic ocean and the continents of Southamerica, Africa and Europe, showing the ports of call of this vessel. On the back side of the Award is the history of this ship and some technical datas.

The Award is valid since 01. January 1987

Modes:     CW, SSB, FM single or mixed

Bands:       all bands including WARC

Requirements (valid  since 27.09.2014):

For DL-Stations:

1 QSO with DL0MFH

3 QSOs with MF members outside Europe or

3 QSOs with MF members of the Cap San Diego Crew

1 QSO each with a station in PA, ON, CX, LU and PY ***



For all stations outside Europe:

 1 QSO with DLØMFH
 3 QSOs with MF members inside or outside Europe
 1 QSO each with a station in PA, ON, CX, LU and PY***



 For all stations in Europe except DL:
 1 QSO with DLØMFH
 3 QSOs with MF members with German QTH
 1 QSO each with a station in PA, ON, CX, LU and PY***

*** as a joker for one of the Southamerican countries, a QSO with an EA8 station is accepted.

This award is issued on behalf of 25 years MF-RUNDE and 100 years Naval Communications and Signal School at Flensburg. The award appreciates specially the good and close links to the Naval Communications and Signal school at Flensburg-Mürwick. This school was closed in 2002, after 100 years of education and training for the German Navy.


Colour print on A4 size carton. The front shows flags, coats of arms and pictures of the Naval Signal School. In the back is the history of the Naval Signal School in German and English.



The award can be applied by any licensed radio amateur, SWL or radio amateur club station.



Only direct 2-way contacts after 1st of January 2002 count for this award.



Bands: – All HF amateur radio bands including WARC bands and/or VHF, UHF amateur radio bands.



Operation modes: CW and/or SSB



All rules are accordingly valid for SWL’s. Confirmed SWL reports count adequate to QSO’s.



Stations to be worked and scoring:


The necessary number of total points for this award is
and consists of the following parts (6.1. bis 6.3.)

225 points


Club stations – 100 points –


At least 100 points must be obtained by contacts with MF club stations. Any different MF club station counts only one time regardless of the operation mode.


A QSO with the MF HQ station DLØMF and with the Club station of the Naval Communications and Signal School
DLØMFS is obligatory.
These two stations can not be replaced by a Joker station.

15 points


All other MF club stations can be replaced by a Joker station

10 points


Special naval club stations:


The club stations DAØMEL and DLØMCM and all ships radio stations of the international submarine, museum ship and light house / lightship special events (i.e. club stations without a MF number), can be counted as Joker stations for missing MF club stations.
Each of these special naval club stations count only once regardless of the operation mode.

10 points


Contacts with stations of MF members and with stations of other foreign naval amateur radio societies.


At least 100 points must be obtained by contacts with members of MF Runde e.V.


Additionally must be obtained 25 points by at least 6 contacts with members of different foreign sister naval amateur radio societies. (Here do not count Joker stations or foreign stations with MF numbers).
Each of these member stations counts only once regardless of the operation mode.

4 points
2 points

Each contact (with membership at more than one naval amateur radio society) counts only one membership.
But other memberships (in different naval amateur radio societies) count for the same call sign if the QSOs is done on another day. This means: additional different memberships of the member station at the same day do not count.

Contacts with MF member DX stations and with member DX stations of other naval amateur radio societies (means stations outside Europe) count with double points.

For this Award these naval amateur radio societies are valid:



MF-Runde issues this award to all radio amateurs and SWL. The goal is to work as many as MF club stations as possible. The award is valid from 1st of January 2018 and has an unlimited validity period. There are no band or mode restrictions.

At the time there are  33  stationary clubstations with a MF No. For the award evaluation are also valid temporarily new MF clubstations, but they are valid  only for the validity period of the respective call sign.

A QSO with the MF clubstation DL0MF is obligatory to appl for the award!

The Award is issued in three classes:

– Class 1 – at least 15 worked clubstations
Authorized to apply for the basic diploma in form of a DIN A4 certificate.

– Clubstation Trophy – at least 21 worked clubstations
This performance is awarded with a very nice bottleship (0,7 Ltr) of  the  “MV Cap San Diego”.

– Clubstation Supertrophy – at  least 27 worked clubstations
This extraordinary performance is awarded with a very nice bottleship (0,7 Ltr) of the  “SSS Gorch Fock”.

The Trophy and Supertrophy are provided with an engraved brass plaque, which shows the call sign, and on request, additions,  for example “CW only”.

As usual for all MF Awards, there is no proof of QSOs required by sending in   QSL cards.  All it takes is a GCR list which includes an appropriate fair play statement.

The coast liner MV IRIS-JÖRG and the harbor of Wischhafen represent  a unique ensemble of the Küstenschifffahrtsmuseum, the center of the historic coastal shipping in Germany. The museum collects, researches and preserves the evidence of the Historic Coastal Navigation and presents it in such a way that the significance for the Kehdingen region is recognizable.

The award is valid from 1st of June2015.

Bands:  All HF amateur radio bands and/or VHF amateur radio bands.

Operation modes: CW, SSB, FM and digital modes, single or mixed

A QSO with the club station DL0MFM is obligatory to apply for this award.

At least three additional QSOs with MF members and two additional QSOs with members of the  local association Z24 must be done.  In addition, the name of the museum ship IRIS-JOERG must be formed with the letters of the suffix of other stations.


Marinefunkerrunde e. V. – Mode Award

MF issues this award mainly for MF members, but it can be worked and requested by each ham. It is guilty from January 1st, 2023 and it is valid unlimited.

The aim is to work as many MF members as possible as well in one analog as in one digital mode. There are no band restrictions.

The rules in detail:

  • MF members are to be worked in two different modes (1 analog, 1 digital). That could be e. g. CW/RTTY, or SSB/FT8, or FM/PSK31, or SSB/SSTV or any other combination.
  • A QSO in two modes with the clubstation DLØMF is obligatory.
  • Each QSO counts 1 point per mode, with clubstations respectively 3 points. The one who worked DL0MF in 4 different modes will get 10 bonus points unique.


  • Mode-Trophy 100 points
  • Mode-Supertrophy 250 points


  • Mode-Trophy:

Digital WX-Station with outer sensors (e. g. C°, Wind, Humidity).

     The call will be engraved on a small brass tag.    

  • Mode-Supertrophy:

Barometer on a wooden board with engraved call on a brass tag

(looks like the normal MF Supertrophy)

As usual on all MF awards it is not forced a verification by qsl cards. It will do a log with a fair play statement.

The award is to be applied for by the award manager of MF

Timo Schwarz, DK9WE (MF1019)

Schulkoppel 13

D-24963 Jerrishoe

Mail: DK9WE (at)