Data Protection Policy

Provider and Responsibility

Marinefunkerrunde e. V.

Represented by the Chairman


With this Data Protection Policy the user gets information about the kind, the purpose and extent of data that is collected by the provider and what this information is used for. This information is based on the Bundesdatenschutzgesetz (BDSG), the Telemediengesetz (TMG) and the Datenschutzgrundverordnung (DSGVO).

Collecting general information

With every login on our website, information will be automaticly collected by us and our webspace provider. This information (Server Logfiles) is anonymous to your person. Information that is stored is: name of website, file, date, data amount, webbrowser and webbrowser-version, operating system, the domain name of your internet provider, the referrer-URL (this is the website of your internet provider) and your IP address. Without this data it would technically not be possible to present the website correctly, that is why it is nessesary to collect this information. Furthermore we use this anonymous information for statistical reasons and to optimize an attractive offer. In the case of unlawful use of our website it is our right to monitor the log files retroactively.

Handling of personal data

Definition: personal data means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. These are data that can be traced back to that specific person. Personal data are: given name and surname, telefon number and e-mail address. Information about hobbies (callsign) memberships and websites that are visited. This information will be collected and used from the provider only in conform to the law and or with permission of the user to provide these data.

Payment performence

To use the Marinefunkerrunde e.V. payment features on the website, we must ask for extra data information, e.g. for making payments.

Contact form

Incase you contact us per e-mail or online form, we store your information in order to answer any questions you may have.

Use of services/links of third parties

On our website you may find services/links of third party providers, e.g. maps from Google, videos from YouTube and pictures from other websites, etc. In order to be able to open these links it is necessary to transfer your IP address. In other words, the third party provider will be able to see your IP address. Even though we endeavour to use third parties that do not store your IP address, we can not garantie for this. This procedure is for statistical reasons. If we do know that a third party stores IP addresses, we will make an indication to our user.

Rights of the data subject

You have the right to apply for information about your stored personal data. If you disagree or apply for information, rectification, barring or cancellation of your stored personal data information, this is free of charge.
Exception: it is required to execute the business process or mandatory record keeping required by law. In order to follow the block of your personal information, it is necessary to keep this information in a seperate file for administrative use. If there is no mandatory record keeping required by law, you may apply for this information to be cancelled. Otherwise we will block this data if this is your wish.

Amendments to our Data Protection Policy

In order to ensure that our Data Protection Policy always meets the requirements of the law, we reserve the right to make changes at any time. This also applies for the case that the Data Protection Policy must be amended to comply with new or changed services of the organisation. The new Data Protection Policy takes effect with your next visit to our web site.