How to apply for a MF-Runde Membership?
§3) Those eligible to become members of MF-Runde e.V. shall be:
(unless otherwise specified in the membership qualifications of the MF-Runde constitution.)
1 a) Radio amateurs or Short Wave Listeners (SWL’s) who are serving in the Navy/Merchant Navy or former members of the naval forces resp. the merchant fleet (including Coast Guard, fisheries, etc).
1 b) Radio amateurs who are or have served the shipping and port authorities, weather services, foreign service or other maritime services, shipyards, naval air forces, engineer forces or the inland river navigation, professional inland waterways navigation or crew members of museum ships. Even pleasure boat skippers who are licensed to sail the high sea can also apply for MF-membership. Those applicants mentioned under para b) shall hold a current amateur radio licence in accordance with the CEPT-recommendations.
(unless otherwise specified in the membership qualifications of the MF-Runde constitution.)
Membership fee:
For membership in the MF-Runde e.V. an annual fee is obligatory to be paid at the beginning of each year. In accordance with the articles of MF association regulations the managing committee decides the amount due to the appropriate situation. So at the moment all members in the German speaking area (that includes Austria and Switzerland) pay 25 € per year. The membership fee for members outside of the German speaking area is 15 € per year. In both cases there is an admission fee of 7.50 € to be paid only once.
Furthermore there exists the possibility either to receive a reduced fee or membership fee exemption by an individual agreement and a board resolution due to social disadvantages.
Membership application:
The application has to be done in a written form. Please do not hesitate to download the membership form or ask for special membership forms which are obtainable via
MF-Runde e.V. |
For any further information please contact the secretary or the chairman.