The MF Runde e.V. arranges
from Monday 04th February 2019 to Friday 08th February 2019
daily from 10:00 (UTC) until 18:00 (UTC)
its annual Radio Activity Week. It is not a contest but the aim is mainly the small talk between MF stations and others.
In order to make the modes RTTY and PSK31 much more active, the time period between 17:00 UTC until 18:00 UTC is designated especially for use in these digital modes.
Non-German MF Club Stations can also be worked during this activity. Therefore, this is another chance to work rare MF Stations for the popular MF Runde awards.
There are no designated different classes, all stations (incl. clubstations) are working in one and the same class. Likewise there are not any restrictions in modes, even though MF stations regularely work in CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK31.
The operator of a Club station can give his personel MF No. as an additional valid QSO point. Of course, this Op cannot submit a 2nd log, additionally to the club station log. This demands sportsmenship and makes equivalent evaluation only possible.
All other MF stations which submit a MF No. maintain this number during the entire MF Activity Weekend.
SWL’s log only the one way QSO, not also in reverse order.
Conditions of entry:
Eligible are all amateur radio stations. Aim is to work as many MF stations as possible. The individual who works at least 25 MF stations (incl. club stations) will get a very beautiful printed confirmation sheet.
The one who works the most MF stations will get an appreciation trophy in form of a cup.
The participant who works 25 MF members as well as the overall number of QSOs within the time period will get a very attractiv ship-in-a-bottle.
The fairness forces not to describe contest QSO in this kind!
MF Activity main frequencies:
CW | 3.565 | 7.025 | 14.052 | 21.052 | 28.052 |
SSB | 3.625 | 7.060 | 14.335 | 21.360 | 28.320 |
PSK31 | 3.580 | 7.042 | 14.072 | 21.072 | 28.072 |
RTTY | 3.585 | 7.045 | 14.085 | 21.085 | 28.085 |
To submit:
The submitted log list may be sent by snail mail in paper form or as email addendum (XLS, DOC, PDF, TXT, ADIF, Cabrillo legible formats).
Submit to:
Albert Homrighausen (DF8LD)
Am Fliederbogen 2
24980 Schafflund
mailto: df8ld (at)
Deadline 01/03/2019
Operators who only worked a few QSOs are asked to make their logs available as check logs only.